Project Manager / Coordinator / Consultant




合同会社kei-fu 共同創業者・プロジェクトマネージャー / 一般社団法人滋賀人 理事
委員等:長浜市市民協働推進会議 委員(2019年-現在)、 「未来をになう長浜っ子」育成プロジェクトにかかる懇話会 委員(2019年-現在)、滋賀県立高等学校在り方検討委員会 委員(2020-2021年度)
書籍等:「行政とデザイン 公共セクターに変化をもたらすデザイン思考の使い方」日本語版寄稿など


Ikuei was born in Nagahama, Shiga Prefecture, Japan. He is a passionate project designer/facilitator creating new connections across Japan and the world.

Currently, he is working as a freelance consultant to help clients to start new projects and innovate themselves. At the same time, he has been researching some design methods or strategies that can help the public sector to improve more. Also, he leads an organization called Shiga-jin, which connects people inside or outside of the local community and create new working values with the local government.

Before that, he worked for Toyota Motor Corporation and an international public relations consultancy. Afterward, he decided to work at the University of Tokyo as a project researcher engaging in an education program called (innovation school). Also, he was a founding member and a project coordinator in a newly established organization, Nagahama Center for Citizen-led Innovation (NCCI).

His working experiences in a private company, academia, and the public sector enabled him to lead projects in collaboration with the people from diverse backgrounds. In addition, working in both the biggest city in Japan (Tokyo) and the countryside (Nagahama) allowed him to observe the current Japanese society from a wide variety of angles.

Based on his experience, he is creating new projects and networks in Tokyo and Nagahama. He is passionate about leading and collaborating with people. His aim is to help people and organizations that are passionate about creating new value and making the better future through innovative projects.